WHAT WE DOIndigenous Law

Bryan Schwartz has advised First Nations and Inuit organizations and governments and federal, provincial and territorial governments for over forty years in the area of Indigenous law.

His practice has included appearing in many cases at the Supreme Court of behalf of the Assembly of First Nations l, and serving as a counsel to the AFN on the creation of the Specific Claims Tribunal.

His experience in the area of international law is relevant to the latest developments in Canadian Indigenous law, which involving the application of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of International Peoples.

With the support of the Indigenous Initiatives Fund at the University of Manitoba, Bryan Schwartz introduced a new course at the law school on Indigenous People Oral History and the Law. SEE MORE

Oral History, Indigenous Peoples, and the Law

Specific claims are grievances brought by aboriginal peoples in Canada against the Crown, the executive level of government. SEE MORE

Specific Claims Website